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Showing posts from November, 2013

gnocl::widget - new command 'attach'

The menu widget allows for the organization of menu items into rows and columns. This can now be achieved using the 'attach' sub-command. Where required, menu items can be allow to span multiple rows or columns. The syntax for this this command is: <widget-id> attach <menuitem-id> row col <options> The possible options are -rowSpan (int) and -colSpan (int).  Menu items are only expanded to fill actual rows and columns. So, if the last item requests a spacing of 2 rows, it will only be allocated the space required for its default rendering. Modifications available in nightly build. The following test code shows this in operation: # test-menu-attach.tcl #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" package require Gnocl set menu [gnocl::menu] $menu add [gnocl::menuItem -text "%#New" -onClicked {puts "That's new"}] $menu add [gnocl::menuSeparator] $menu add [gnocl::menuItem -text "%#Quit...

gnocl::tree & gnocl::list -highlighting columns

Its possible to use Ctrl-F to launch an interactive search of entries contained within a tree or list view. Prior to any search, however, the column needs to be preselected. This mornings coding session has fixed a couple of issues within the gnocl core modules to enable this process to be done interactively under Tcl control. A single click on a cell in an view can now result in the column being preselected and highlighted. The following example script shows how its done. Get the nightly build for all the updates. # test-me.tcl #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" package require Gnocl set chn2indic:mappings(conjuncts) { 阿呵 āha 阿訶 āha 爍鉢 śva 悉吉利 skri 室佛 śva 地利 dhri 穆帝 mukta 佛囉 pra 帝利 tre } #--------------- # view and edit specific lists #--------------- # proc chn2indix:view:call_back {w c} {     set last [$w cget -searchColumn]     $w columnConfigure $last -background white     $w columnConfigure $c -background grey     $w configur...

gnocl::tree boolean toggling -solved!

Just completed the job of bringing the button toggling into the main code module. Took longer than I anticipated. The logic of it all was straight forward but, for some unknown reason, the Gtk+ libraries kept rejecting booleans typed variables for the value setting! So, these were set to uint and all works well!

gnocl::tree issues around toggling booleans

The gnocl::tree and gnocl::list widgets automatically set tick boxes for columns identified as containing boolean data.  The present distribution (0.9.96) will cause a warning if a tree view is created, data added but no callback script set for the column containing the toggle item. Furthermore, the Gtk library code does not automatically toggle the cell widget anyway! This is something to add into the gnocl core and so I've added this to the 'todo' list. So, when a script has the following type of widget declaration... set tree [gnocl::tree \ -treeLines 1 \ -ruleHint 1 \ -types {string boolean} \ -titles {"Mapping Source" "Select"}] Make sure that this configuration follows immeadiately... $tree columnConfigure 1 -onToggled { if { [%w get %p %c] } { %w cellConfigure %p %c -value 0 } else { %w cellConfigure %p %c -value 1 } }