The night just simply gets more productive. Implemented 'flip' command for the gnocl::image widget. The test script tells all..
set pb4 [gnocl::pixBuf load "ball.svg" ]
set img1 [gnocl::image -image "%?$pb4"]
$img1 flip -orientation horizontal
$img1 flip -orientation vertical
catch { $img1 flip -orientation ASAs } ;# this will generate an error
set but1 [gnocl::button \
-text "Turn" \
-onClicked { $img1 turn 90 } ]
set box1 [gnocl::box -orientation vertical]
$box1 add $but1
$box1 add $img1 -fill {1 1} -expand 1
set win1 [gnocl::window \
-child $box1 \
-widthRequest 200 \
-heightRequest 200 \
-allowShrink 0 \
-allowGrow 0 ]