This mornings programming stint sees the bare bones in place now for drawing commands on the gnocl::drawingArea widget. I've also added pages in the docs for the cursor settings. The test script changes reflect the progress so far as a stroke based paint program begins to take shape.
# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
package require Gnocl
# create and display the drawingArea widget
set da [gnocl::drawingArea]
gnocl::window -widthRequest 320 -heightRequest 200 -child $da
# add options...
$da option add -onPointerMotion
$da option add -onEnter
$da option add -onLeave
$da option add -onButtonPress
$da option add -onButtonRelease
$da option add [list -onKeyPress -onKeyRelease -onExpose]
# configure them
$da configure -onPointerMotion {addPoint %w %x %y}
$da configure -onEnter {puts "Enter -Hello!"}
$da configure -onLeave {puts "Leave -Bye!"}
$da configure -onButtonPress {
puts "-- Start Drawing --"
set draw 1
$da configure -cursor pencil
$da configure -onButtonRelease {
puts "-- End Drawing --"
set draw 0
$da configure -cursor last
$da configure -onKeyPress {puts "Press"}
$da configure -onKeyRelease {puts "Release"}
$da configure -onExpose {
reDraw %w
set draw 0
set points {}
proc addPoint { w x y } {
if { $::draw } {
lappend ::points [list $x $y]
puts adding
$w draw point [list $x $y]
proc reDraw {w} {
foreach point $::points {
$w draw point $point
# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
package require Gnocl
# create and display the drawingArea widget
set da [gnocl::drawingArea]
gnocl::window -widthRequest 320 -heightRequest 200 -child $da
# add options...
$da option add -onPointerMotion
$da option add -onEnter
$da option add -onLeave
$da option add -onButtonPress
$da option add -onButtonRelease
$da option add [list -onKeyPress -onKeyRelease -onExpose]
# configure them
$da configure -onPointerMotion {addPoint %w %x %y}
$da configure -onEnter {puts "Enter -Hello!"}
$da configure -onLeave {puts "Leave -Bye!"}
$da configure -onButtonPress {
puts "-- Start Drawing --"
set draw 1
$da configure -cursor pencil
$da configure -onButtonRelease {
puts "-- End Drawing --"
set draw 0
$da configure -cursor last
$da configure -onKeyPress {puts "Press"}
$da configure -onKeyRelease {puts "Release"}
$da configure -onExpose {
reDraw %w
set draw 0
set points {}
proc addPoint { w x y } {
if { $::draw } {
lappend ::points [list $x $y]
puts adding
$w draw point [list $x $y]
proc reDraw {w} {
foreach point $::points {
$w draw point $point