Yesterday I was playing with the Glade interface designer and noticed that the UI included buttons with icons whose contents were left aligned. The Gnocl default is centred and I thought that a gnocl::button -align option might be useful. The button icon and label sub-widgets are in turn held within a GtkHBox and positioned by a GtkAlignment container. It was a relatively simple task to create the code to add the alignment option. For the present, plain text will remain centred. Here's my test script. # test-buttonAlign.tcl #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" package require Gnocl proc gnocl::buttonBox { {str <<TITLE>>} b} { set box(1) [gnocl::box -orientation vertical -padding 0 ] set but(1) [gnocl::button -icon %#Remove -text $str -align centre] set box(2) [gnocl::box -orientation vertical -padding 0 ] $box(1) add $but(1) -fill {1 1} $box(1) add $box(2) $box(2) add $b $box(1) configure -...