Hacked together a simple proof of method script to implement Undo/Redo functionality for the gnocl::entry widget. There are some improvements that can be done such as overloading the basic entry widget to allow undo/redo as a widget command. Keyboard bindings are fully there too. I'll take a look at these at a later time.
# entryundo($ent)Redo.tcl
# Created by William J Giddings
# October, 2012
# Description:
# Demonstrates simple entry undo($ent)/redo functionality.
# Notes:
# cd /Desktop/GnoclEdit_2/undo($ent)er/wjgstuff
# This version has a single buffer to show edit history
# basic Tcl/Gnocl Script
#! /bin/sh/
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
package require Gnocl
proc entry:resetUndo {ent } {
global undo idx
set idx($ent) -1
set undo($ent) ""
proc entry:undo {ent} {
global idx undo
incr idx($ent) -1
if { $idx($ent) <= -1} {
$ent configure -value ""
set idx($ent) -1
} else {
$ent configure -value [lindex $undo($ent) $idx($ent)]
proc entry:redo {ent} {
global idx undo
incr idx($ent)
if { $idx($ent) >= [llength $undo($ent)] } { incr idx($ent) -1 }
$ent configure -value [lindex $undo($ent) $idx($ent)]
proc entry:addUndo {ent} {
global undo idx
set undo($ent) ""
set idx($ent) -1
$ent configure -onKeyPress {
if { "%s" == 20 && "%a" == "y" } { redo %w }
if { "%s" == 20 && "%a" == "z" } { undo %w }
set idx(%w) [llength $undo(%w)]
incr idx(%w) -1
$ent configure -onKeyRelease {
lappend undo(%w) [%w get]
incr idx(%w)
$ent configure -onDestroy {
puts "BYE BYE"
array unset undo %w
array unset idx %w
set b(1) [gnocl::button -text Undo -onClicked { entry:undo $ent } ]
set b(2) [gnocl::button -text Redo -onClicked { entry:redo $ent } ]
set b(3) [gnocl::button -text Reset -onClicked { entry:resetUndo $ent }]
set ent [gnocl::entry]
set box [gnocl::box -orientation vertical]
$box add $b(1)
$box add $b(2)
$box add $b(3)
$box add $ent
gnocl::window -child $box
entry:addUndo $ent
# entryundo($ent)Redo.tcl
# Created by William J Giddings
# October, 2012
# Description:
# Demonstrates simple entry undo($ent)/redo functionality.
# Notes:
# cd /Desktop/GnoclEdit_2/undo($ent)er/wjgstuff
# This version has a single buffer to show edit history
# basic Tcl/Gnocl Script
#! /bin/sh/
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
package require Gnocl
proc entry:resetUndo {ent } {
global undo idx
set idx($ent) -1
set undo($ent) ""
proc entry:undo {ent} {
global idx undo
incr idx($ent) -1
if { $idx($ent) <= -1} {
$ent configure -value ""
set idx($ent) -1
} else {
$ent configure -value [lindex $undo($ent) $idx($ent)]
proc entry:redo {ent} {
global idx undo
incr idx($ent)
if { $idx($ent) >= [llength $undo($ent)] } { incr idx($ent) -1 }
$ent configure -value [lindex $undo($ent) $idx($ent)]
proc entry:addUndo {ent} {
global undo idx
set undo($ent) ""
set idx($ent) -1
$ent configure -onKeyPress {
if { "%s" == 20 && "%a" == "y" } { redo %w }
if { "%s" == 20 && "%a" == "z" } { undo %w }
set idx(%w) [llength $undo(%w)]
incr idx(%w) -1
$ent configure -onKeyRelease {
lappend undo(%w) [%w get]
incr idx(%w)
$ent configure -onDestroy {
puts "BYE BYE"
array unset undo %w
array unset idx %w
set b(1) [gnocl::button -text Undo -onClicked { entry:undo $ent } ]
set b(2) [gnocl::button -text Redo -onClicked { entry:redo $ent } ]
set b(3) [gnocl::button -text Reset -onClicked { entry:resetUndo $ent }]
set ent [gnocl::entry]
set box [gnocl::box -orientation vertical]
$box add $b(1)
$box add $b(2)
$box add $b(3)
$box add $ent
gnocl::window -child $box
entry:addUndo $ent