Haven't posted much to the blog recently. This isn't because things are quiet on the Tcl/Gnocl side, I've just been doing more applications coding. Today's posting is a result of this. I already use a bunch of gnocl megawidgets but there always seems to be slight differences between each module. I thought that I'd settle this once and for all by creatings a boiler plate module which can then be adapted to suit. Because I shift between the gnocl C sources and Tcl, I thought it wise to follow a similar design approach in both.
Individual procedures handle the construction, configuration and command handling for each widget instance and error checking is implemented too.
# widget.tcl
# Boilerplate object builder package for gnocl derive megawidgets.
# Based upon approach used in Gnocl source code.
# William J Giddings, 28-Mar-14.
# Substitute keyword _widget_ for unique object type identifier.
# !/bin/sh
# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
package require Gnocl
package provide widget
namespace eval _widget_ {}
# lists of valid widget options, commands and components
set _widget_::opts { -text -onClicked -data}
set _widget_::cmds { configure cget type opts cmds}
set _widget_::components {}
# implement widget commands
proc _widget_::cmd {wid cmd args} {
_widget_::check $cmd
# apply the commands
switch -- $cmd {
opts -
cmds {return [lsort [set _widget_::$cmd]] }
type { return "_widget_"}
configure -
cget {
eval "_widget_::$cmd $wid $args"
default { # shouldn't need to get here, but... }
# retrieve current component values
proc _widget_::cget {wid args} {
# get list of members
foreach {w id} $_widget_::components {set $w $id}
# obtain current settings
foreach {a b} $args {
# apply according to each component
switch -- $a {
-onClicked -
-text { return [$but_1 cget $a] }
-data { return [$wid cget $a] }
default { # shouldn't need to get here, but... }
# check options and commands for valid values
proc _widget_::check { opts } {
# test for a valid options
if { [string first - $opts ] >= 0 } {
foreach {opt val} $opts {
if { [string first $opt $_widget_::opts] == -1 } {
set errmsg "[string repeat - 17]\nERROR! Invalid option \"$opt\".\nShould be one of: [lsort $_widget_::opts]\n[string repeat - 17]"
error $errmsg
# test for valid command
foreach {opt } $opts {
if { [string first $opt $_widget_::cmds] == -1 } {
set errmsg "[string repeat - 17]\nERROR! Invalid command \"$opt\".\nShould be one of: [lsort $_widget_::cmds]\n[string repeat - 17]"
error $errmsg
# configure widget components
proc _widget_::configure {wid args} {
_widget_::check $args
# recover list of widget components
foreach {w id} $::_widget_::components {set $w $id}
# apply new options
foreach {a b} $args {
# apply according to each component
switch -- $a {
-text -
-onClicked { $but_1 configure $a $b }
-data { $wid configure $a $b }
default { # shouldn't need to get here, but... }
# create and assemble widget components
proc _widget_::construct {} {
# create object container
set vbox [gnocl::vBox]
# create components
set but_1 [gnocl::button -text BUTTON]
# assemble components
$vbox add $but_1
# add to listing
set ::_widget_::components [list but_1 $but_1]
return $vbox
# the widget command itself
proc widget {args} {
set wid [_widget_::construct]
# configure
eval "_widget_::configure $wid $args"
# overload the box to add commands
rename $wid _$wid
# widget command
proc $wid {cmd args} {
set wid [lindex [::info level 0] 0]
eval "_widget_::cmd _$wid $cmd $args"
return $wid
proc demo {} {
set wid(1) [widget -text "HELLO CAMPERS!" -onClicked {puts "HO HI HO!"}]
gnocl::window -child $wid(1)
$wid(1) configure -text "HI DI HI" -data "leave my data alone!"
puts [$wid(1) type]
catch { $wid(1) configure -a AAA } {}
catch { $wid(1) nonsuch } {}
puts [$wid(1) cget -data]
set wid(2) [widget -text "GOOD MORNING!" -onClicked {puts "GOOD AFTERNOON"} -data BYE-BYE]
gnocl::window -child $wid(2)
puts [$wid(2) cget -data]
puts [$wid(1) opts]
puts [$wid(2) cmds]
Individual procedures handle the construction, configuration and command handling for each widget instance and error checking is implemented too.
# widget.tcl
# Boilerplate object builder package for gnocl derive megawidgets.
# Based upon approach used in Gnocl source code.
# William J Giddings, 28-Mar-14.
# Substitute keyword _widget_ for unique object type identifier.
# !/bin/sh
# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
package require Gnocl
package provide widget
namespace eval _widget_ {}
# lists of valid widget options, commands and components
set _widget_::opts { -text -onClicked -data}
set _widget_::cmds { configure cget type opts cmds}
set _widget_::components {}
# implement widget commands
proc _widget_::cmd {wid cmd args} {
_widget_::check $cmd
# apply the commands
switch -- $cmd {
opts -
cmds {return [lsort [set _widget_::$cmd]] }
type { return "_widget_"}
configure -
cget {
eval "_widget_::$cmd $wid $args"
default { # shouldn't need to get here, but... }
# retrieve current component values
proc _widget_::cget {wid args} {
# get list of members
foreach {w id} $_widget_::components {set $w $id}
# obtain current settings
foreach {a b} $args {
# apply according to each component
switch -- $a {
-onClicked -
-text { return [$but_1 cget $a] }
-data { return [$wid cget $a] }
default { # shouldn't need to get here, but... }
# check options and commands for valid values
proc _widget_::check { opts } {
# test for a valid options
if { [string first - $opts ] >= 0 } {
foreach {opt val} $opts {
if { [string first $opt $_widget_::opts] == -1 } {
set errmsg "[string repeat - 17]\nERROR! Invalid option \"$opt\".\nShould be one of: [lsort $_widget_::opts]\n[string repeat - 17]"
error $errmsg
# test for valid command
foreach {opt } $opts {
if { [string first $opt $_widget_::cmds] == -1 } {
set errmsg "[string repeat - 17]\nERROR! Invalid command \"$opt\".\nShould be one of: [lsort $_widget_::cmds]\n[string repeat - 17]"
error $errmsg
# configure widget components
proc _widget_::configure {wid args} {
_widget_::check $args
# recover list of widget components
foreach {w id} $::_widget_::components {set $w $id}
# apply new options
foreach {a b} $args {
# apply according to each component
switch -- $a {
-text -
-onClicked { $but_1 configure $a $b }
-data { $wid configure $a $b }
default { # shouldn't need to get here, but... }
# create and assemble widget components
proc _widget_::construct {} {
# create object container
set vbox [gnocl::vBox]
# create components
set but_1 [gnocl::button -text BUTTON]
# assemble components
$vbox add $but_1
# add to listing
set ::_widget_::components [list but_1 $but_1]
return $vbox
# the widget command itself
proc widget {args} {
set wid [_widget_::construct]
# configure
eval "_widget_::configure $wid $args"
# overload the box to add commands
rename $wid _$wid
# widget command
proc $wid {cmd args} {
set wid [lindex [::info level 0] 0]
eval "_widget_::cmd _$wid $cmd $args"
return $wid
proc demo {} {
set wid(1) [widget -text "HELLO CAMPERS!" -onClicked {puts "HO HI HO!"}]
gnocl::window -child $wid(1)
$wid(1) configure -text "HI DI HI" -data "leave my data alone!"
puts [$wid(1) type]
catch { $wid(1) configure -a AAA } {}
catch { $wid(1) nonsuch } {}
puts [$wid(1) cget -data]
set wid(2) [widget -text "GOOD MORNING!" -onClicked {puts "GOOD AFTERNOON"} -data BYE-BYE]
gnocl::window -child $wid(2)
puts [$wid(2) cget -data]
puts [$wid(1) opts]
puts [$wid(2) cmds]