I'm pleased to announce that, after much frustration, the gnocl binding to the GtkToolPalette is now complete. To try it out, download and compile the latest nightly build from Sourceforge.
And here's the test script:
# test-toolPalette.tcl
# Created by Dr. William J Giddings, 2016
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
package require Gnocl
set tp [gnocl::toolPalette -tooltip TOOL-PALETTE -orientation vertical]
puts >[$tp commands]
puts >[$tp options]
set ig(1) [$tp addGroup -label MyGroup1]
puts >>[$ig(1) commands]
puts >>[$ig(1) options]
$ig(1) addItem -icon %#New -text XXX -tooltip YYY -data £££ -onClicked {puts "Hello from %w %d"}
$ig(1) addItem -icon %#Cut -text ABC -tooltip ZZZ -onClicked {puts "Hello from %w"}
$ig(1) addItem -icon %#Copy -tooltip WWW -onClicked {puts "Hello from %w"}
set pi [$ig(1) addItem -icon %#Paste -tooltip AAA -onClicked {puts pi} ]
puts ....$pi....
puts "class = [$pi class]"
puts >>>[$pi commands]
puts >>>[$pi options]
$pi configure -onClicked { puts "BOING! BOINGG!" } -icon %#Stop
if 1 {
set ig(2) [$tp addGroup -label MyGroup2 -collapsed 1 -sensitive 0]
$ig(2) addItem -icon %#New -text XXX -tooltip YYY -onClicked {puts "Hello from %w"}
$ig(2) addItem -icon %#Cut -text ABC
$ig(2) addItem -icon %#Copy
$ig(2) addItem -icon %#Paste
parray ig
gnocl::window -child $tp -width 200 -height 400
And here's the test script:
# test-toolPalette.tcl
# Created by Dr. William J Giddings, 2016
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
package require Gnocl
set tp [gnocl::toolPalette -tooltip TOOL-PALETTE -orientation vertical]
puts >[$tp commands]
puts >[$tp options]
set ig(1) [$tp addGroup -label MyGroup1]
puts >>[$ig(1) commands]
puts >>[$ig(1) options]
$ig(1) addItem -icon %#New -text XXX -tooltip YYY -data £££ -onClicked {puts "Hello from %w %d"}
$ig(1) addItem -icon %#Cut -text ABC -tooltip ZZZ -onClicked {puts "Hello from %w"}
$ig(1) addItem -icon %#Copy -tooltip WWW -onClicked {puts "Hello from %w"}
set pi [$ig(1) addItem -icon %#Paste -tooltip AAA -onClicked {puts pi} ]
puts ....$pi....
puts "class = [$pi class]"
puts >>>[$pi commands]
puts >>>[$pi options]
$pi configure -onClicked { puts "BOING! BOINGG!" } -icon %#Stop
if 1 {
set ig(2) [$tp addGroup -label MyGroup2 -collapsed 1 -sensitive 0]
$ig(2) addItem -icon %#New -text XXX -tooltip YYY -onClicked {puts "Hello from %w"}
$ig(2) addItem -icon %#Cut -text ABC
$ig(2) addItem -icon %#Copy
$ig(2) addItem -icon %#Paste
parray ig
gnocl::window -child $tp -width 200 -height 400