The following script shows how to display the contents of a simple Tcl dict within a gnocl::list widget.
# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
package require Gnocl
namespace eval pkg {}
# Create a gnocl::list displaying the contents of a Tcl dict.
# Arguments:
# val dict data to display.
# args
# Returns:
# wid of gnocl::list containing the dict data.
proc pkg::dict2list { vals } {
set res ""
# get a complete list of info keys
set c key
dict for {id info} $vals {
foreach {a b} $info {
if { [string first $a $c] == -1 } { lappend c $a }
set headings [lsort -unique $c]
set res [gnocl::list -titles $c]
# populate the list
dict for {id info} $vals {
set row2 [string repeat "{} " [llength $c]]
set row2 [lreplace $row2 0 0 $id]
foreach {a b} $info {
set d [lsearch $c $a]
set row2 [lreplace $row2 $d $d $b]
$res add [list $row2]
set row ""
return $res
# Add a new column to an existing list or tree
# Create new widget, add data and insert into parent container.
# Arguments:
# wid gnocl::list/gnocl::tree to modify
# title title for new column
# type data type
# Returns:
# wid widget id of replacement object
proc pkg::addColumn { wid title type } {
set titles [$wid cget -titles]
set types [$wid cget -types]
set data [$wid getFullList]
lappend titles $title
lappend types $type
set parent [gnocl::winfo parent $wid]
$wid delete
set wid [gnocl::list -titles $titles -types $types]
$wid add $data
$parent configure -child $wid
return $wid
# Script Main Function
# Arguments:
# args
# Returns:
# none
proc main { args } {
dict set employeeInfo 12345-A forenames "Joe"
dict set employeeInfo 12345-A surname "Schmoe"
dict set employeeInfo 12345-A street "147 Short Street"
dict set employeeInfo 12345-A city "Springfield"
dict set employeeInfo 12345-A phone "555-1234"
dict set employeeInfo 98372-J forenames "Anne"
dict set employeeInfo 98372-J surname "Other"
dict set employeeInfo 98372-J street "32995 Oakdale Way"
dict set employeeInfo 98372-J city "Springfield"
dict set employeeInfo 98372-J phone "555-8765"
set lst [pkg::dict2list $employeeInfo]
gnocl::window -child $lst -setSize 0.25 -width 800 -y 500 -x 100
# add an extra column to the list
set lst [pkg::addColumn $lst email string]