I'm working on a script that requires popup menus to be built proceedurall and on-the-fly. As a result, there are a number of parameters that I want to send to the popup callback but without the expense of creating and managing global variables or namespaces. This is where the widget -data option comes in. It means that data strings can be conveniently grouped together with a widget, managed throught the Gtk libraries which is totally (hopefully!) secure. The following code-snipetts shows how it can be used.
## display popup menu
proc doTagPopup {args} {
gnocl::setOpts [list a 1 b 2 c 3]
gnocl::setOpts $args
puts "a= $a b= $b c= $c"
puts "w = $w ; t = $t ; n =$n"
foreach {arg val} $args { puts "$arg = [set [string trimleft $arg -]]" }
if {$t == "buttonPress" && $b == "3" } {
# these may need runtime re-definition
proc doItem { w } {
gnocl::setOpts [$w cget -data]
puts ">[$widget tag ranges $tag]<"
foreach {a b} [$widget tag properties $tag] {
puts "\t$a = $b"
set menu [gnocl::menu -title "menu" -tearoff 0]
foreach word [split $matches |] {
$menu add [gnocl::menuItem \
-text $word \
-data "-widget $w -word $word -tag $n" \
-onClicked { doItem %w } ]
$menu popup $x $y
## display popup menu
proc doTagPopup {args} {
gnocl::setOpts [list a 1 b 2 c 3]
gnocl::setOpts $args
puts "a= $a b= $b c= $c"
puts "w = $w ; t = $t ; n =$n"
foreach {arg val} $args { puts "$arg = [set [string trimleft $arg -]]" }
if {$t == "buttonPress" && $b == "3" } {
# these may need runtime re-definition
proc doItem { w } {
gnocl::setOpts [$w cget -data]
puts ">[$widget tag ranges $tag]<"
foreach {a b} [$widget tag properties $tag] {
puts "\t$a = $b"
set menu [gnocl::menu -title "menu" -tearoff 0]
foreach word [split $matches |] {
$menu add [gnocl::menuItem \
-text $word \
-data "-widget $w -word $word -tag $n" \
-onClicked { doItem %w } ]
$menu popup $x $y