Hitherto it has been possible to add widgets to a box but not to remove them, perhaps for repacking or hiding. The addition of the remove command to the gnocl::box object will now allow this to be done. Here's a demo script:
# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
package require Gnocl
set title "Shared Buffer"
set tb [gnocl::textBuffer]
set tv(1) [gnocl::text -wrapMode word -buffer $tb]
set tv(2) [gnocl::text -wrapMode word -baseColor #FDFDB3 -buffer $tb]
$tv(1) lorem
# create maincontainer
set box(main) [gnocl::box \
-orientation vertical \
-align topLeft]
set box(texts) [gnocl::box \
-orientation vertical \
-children [list $tv(1)] \
-fill {1 1} \
-expand 1]
# create toolBar
set split 0
set toolBar [gnocl::toolBar]
$toolBar add widget [gnocl::toggleButton \
-variable split \
-text "Split" \
-onToggled {
if {$split} {
$box(texts) add $tv(2) -fill {1 1} -expand 1
} else {
$box(texts) remove $tv(2)
} }]
# pack the main container
$box(main) add $toolBar -fill {1 0} -expand 0
$box(main) add $box(texts) -fill {1 1} -expand 1
set main [gnocl::window \
-title $title \
-onDelete { exit } \
-child $box(main) \
-defaultWidth 480 \
-defaultHeight 320]
# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
package require Gnocl
set title "Shared Buffer"
set tb [gnocl::textBuffer]
set tv(1) [gnocl::text -wrapMode word -buffer $tb]
set tv(2) [gnocl::text -wrapMode word -baseColor #FDFDB3 -buffer $tb]
$tv(1) lorem
# create maincontainer
set box(main) [gnocl::box \
-orientation vertical \
-align topLeft]
set box(texts) [gnocl::box \
-orientation vertical \
-children [list $tv(1)] \
-fill {1 1} \
-expand 1]
# create toolBar
set split 0
set toolBar [gnocl::toolBar]
$toolBar add widget [gnocl::toggleButton \
-variable split \
-text "Split" \
-onToggled {
if {$split} {
$box(texts) add $tv(2) -fill {1 1} -expand 1
} else {
$box(texts) remove $tv(2)
} }]
# pack the main container
$box(main) add $toolBar -fill {1 0} -expand 0
$box(main) add $box(texts) -fill {1 1} -expand 1
set main [gnocl::window \
-title $title \
-onDelete { exit } \
-child $box(main) \
-defaultWidth 480 \
-defaultHeight 320]