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After a speedy beginning some drudgery set in today - must have re-wrote the module at least four times before getting the basics right. The viewer has its own special scroll window with a navigator window that popups up. The scrolled window isn't absolutely necessary but rightly deserves support but it's not possible to create a scrolled window and then add an image. So, the choice has to be made from the outset as to which which layout is required (pretty much like a box or paned widget).

It is possible to draw to the pixbuf contained in the viewer which is the next milestone.

# test-imageViewer.tcl
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
package require Gnocl
package require GnoclImageView
set iv(1) [gnocl::imageView -scrolled 1 -image %/[pwd]/desklet_or_gadget.png]
set iv(2) [gnocl::imageView -image %/[pwd]/desklet_or_gadget.png]
set box [gnocl::box]
$box add $iv(1) -fill {1 1} -expand 1
$box add $iv(2) -fill {1 1} -expand 1
gnocl::window -child $box -setSize 0.4


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