Just updated the string markup documentation page based upon the Gtk 2.24 developer docs. There's a lot more information here now. Other tasks worked on over the past couple of days is adding functionality to the gnocl::list object so that it will output its full content as a single Tcl list. This will simplify script development where the current method is to parse through each row and column to obtain specific values. The new code will also attach header and datatypes to the list. I envisage some complications where a list may have an embedded object such as an image. In such instances, the path to the image will have to be returned.
Given this module some attention today. Added some of the more package wide options to the module and created customised handler for setting the month. (For some odd reason months are are counted 0-11 whereas days are 1-31.) There's still a little more to do to this one including the addition of code to store diary details. Here's the working test script to show the range of options at work. The percentage substitution string item %e explores something that I've been toying with, the name of the signal/event that initiated the call. Ok, a script can keep its own internal trace but who knows, it might prove useful. #--------------- # calendarTest.tcl #--------------- # Author: William J Giddings # Date: 07/05/09 #--------------- #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" #--------------- package require Gnocl set cal [gnocl::calendar] $cal configure -day 8 -month 7 -year 1956 $cal configure -rowHeight 1 -colWidth 1 $ca...