I’m getting more feedback regarding development issues now that the Discussion Group and Web site are now on line. This is great! It means that not only are others using Gnocl, but in many cases looking at the source itself -just as the packages are intended. Got one this evening regarding the loading of builder UI xml files. This was pretty good error spotting! The error, though not fatal on my system, was to load an entire UI description file using a command basically intended to load named UI objects (and their child sub-tree) into a named, pre-existing container.
Why was this left there?
After working quite intensely on Glade over the Yuletide I needed a change (hence the move onto the gnocl::pixbuf package). The point at which I left it was at this exact stage. So, the task for the next day or so is the implementation of a new set of options for the buffer load command. This will be along the lines:
Why was this left there?
After working quite intensely on Glade over the Yuletide I needed a change (hence the move onto the gnocl::pixbuf package). The point at which I left it was at this exact stage. So, the task for the next day or so is the implementation of a new set of options for the buffer load command. This will be along the lines:
gnocl::builder buffer <buffer> -object <list> -container widget-id